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Criminal Defense

Do Police Need to Identify Themselves When Asked - officer holding handcuffs showing identification to man seated at desk with laptop

Do Police Need to Identify Themselves When Asked?

Law enforcement officers have certain fundamental obligations to maintain when interacting with the public they serve, but — legally — do police need to identify themselves when asked during an encounter? People should be able to confirm the identity of a law enforcement officer in

When is it Admissible to Record Someone Without Their Consent? - man using smartphone recording features outside

When is it Admissible to Record Someone Without Their Consent?

While it’s generally an illegal invasion of privacy to record a private conversation, there are exceptions … so when is it admissible to record someone without their consent in California? Before we get to the exceptions, it’s important to know that California follows a “two-party consent” law,

When Are Drug Crimes Considered Federal Offenses? packages of drugs on white background

When Are Drug Crimes Considered Federal Offenses?

Drug crimes can be prosecuted at the state or federal level, so when are drug crimes considered federal offenses? It’s an important distinction because federal penalties and consequences can be higher. While most drug crimes fall under state jurisdiction, certain circumstances can elevate them to

Can Federal Charges Be Expunged from Your Record? - cover sheet of file on clipboard with Criminal Record as a title and with gavel lying on top

Can Federal Charges Be Expunged from Your Record?

Having a criminal record can have a lasting impact on your life, and we’re often asked the question: can federal charges be expunged from your record? A criminal record can hinder your employment prospects, limit educational opportunities, and even restrict various aspects of personal and
How to Beat Federal Drug Charges - person handing over bag of powder drug in exchange for cash

How to Beat Federal Drug Charges

If convicted, the penalties can be severe, so if you’ve been arrested or charged with a federal drug crime, you need a criminal defense attorney experienced in how to beat federal drug charges. There are legal defenses and strategies to fight federal drug charges.  If
When is Marijuana Possession a Crime in California? - marijuana buds, rolled joints, and herb grinder on a table

When is Marijuana Possession a Crime in California?

While it is legal for adults 21 or older to use, carry, and grow cannabis/marijuana in California, there are limits and parameters to this legality, so it’s important to know the details about when is marijuana possession a crime in California But first, let’s clear