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Criminal Defense

What Does it Mean to Plead the 5th? man sitting with closed mouth, not responding to woman in suit asking a question

What Does it Mean to Plead the 5th?

The phrase “to plead the 5th” is widely known but often misunderstood, so just what does it mean to plead the 5th? In the most simple terms, it means that you’re claiming your 5th Amendment right to not incriminate yourself. But as a critical component

What Does it Mean to Take the Law Into Your Own Hands? scales of justice figurine on table with man holding a document in the background

What Does it Mean to Take the Law Into Your Own Hands?

You’ve probably heard this common phrase, but just what does it mean to “take the law into your own hands”? Taking the law into your own hands often is used to describe situations where individuals attempt to seek justice or resolution outside of the legal

What is a Ponzi Scheme? auditor investigating fraud with magnifying glass

What is a Ponzi Scheme?

Ponzi schemes have a notorious reputation in the realm of financial fraud, but exactly what is a Ponzi scheme? What are the consequences, and what should you do if you’re accused of running one? What is a Ponzi Scheme? A Ponzi scheme is a type

What You Need to Know if You've Been Charged with Murder - hands handcuffed at back

What You Need to Know if You’ve Been Charged with Murder

For most people, what you need to know if you’ve been charged with murder is far beyond their personal knowledge or experience. Help is here … Being charged with murder is a daunting and life-altering experience. And understanding the intricacies of such a serious accusation

New Law: Child Trafficking Added to 3 Strikes List - photo of young person huddled on floor in front of wall

New Law: Child Trafficking Added to 3 Strikes List

Many new California laws have taken effect with the start of the new year, including the Senate Bill 14 new law: child trafficking added to 3 Strikes list. Under Senate Bill 14 (SB 14), “human trafficking of a minor for purposes of a commercial sex