When Does Possession Turn Into a Charge of Drug Trafficking?

1 year ago

Drug-related offenses are a complex and nuanced area of the law, and the question of when does possession turn into…

What is an Example of a Non-Violent Drug Offender?

1 year ago

Non-violent drug offenders represent a significant portion of individuals in the criminal justice system, so you may be wondering what…

What is the Difference Between Felony, Misdemeanor, and Infraction?

1 year ago

Within criminal law, there are three main categories of offenses, so what is the difference between felony, misdemeanor, and infraction?…

Landmark California Law Takes Effect: Criminal Records Cleared

2 years ago

As a landmark California law takes effect, criminal records cleared, and an automated review process implemented, millions of people are…

Are Hallucinogenics like LSD, Ecstasy and Magic Mushrooms Legal in CA Now?

2 years ago

The California Senate, Public Health Committee, and Assembly Health Committee all have approved SB-58, so are hallucinogenics like LSD, Ecstasy…

Do Police Need to Identify Themselves When Asked?

2 years ago

Law enforcement officers have certain fundamental obligations to maintain when interacting with the public they serve, but — legally —…

When is it Admissible to Record Someone Without Their Consent?

2 years ago

While it’s generally an illegal invasion of privacy to record a private conversation, there are exceptions … so when is…

When Are Drug Crimes Considered Federal Offenses?

2 years ago

Drug crimes can be prosecuted at the state or federal level, so when are drug crimes considered federal offenses? It’s…

Understanding Drug Possession Laws: Your Rights and Defense Options

2 years ago

If you’ve been arrested or accused of illegal drug possession, understanding drug possession laws, your rights, and defense options may…