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Author: markbroughton

New Law: Child Trafficking Added to 3 Strikes List - photo of young person huddled on floor in front of wall

New Law: Child Trafficking Added to 3 Strikes List

Many new California laws have taken effect with the start of the new year, including the Senate Bill 14 new law: child trafficking added to 3 Strikes list. Under Senate Bill 14 (SB 14), “human trafficking of a minor for purposes of a commercial sex

What Are Low-Level Drug Offenders - drug paraphernalia - spoon and syringe

What Are Low-Level Drug Offenders?

Some legal terminology can be confusing — almost like the legal community is speaking another language — so it’s always good to clarify what a specific term actually means … for example, what are “low-level drug offenders”? The term “low-level drug offenders” often refers to

When Does Possession Turn Into a Charge of Drug Trafficking? drug packages and gun on table

When Does Possession Turn Into a Charge of Drug Trafficking?

Drug-related offenses are a complex and nuanced area of the law, and the question of when does possession turn into a charge of drug trafficking can hold significant legal implications. The distinction between drug possession and drug trafficking is crucial for individuals facing potential legal

What is an Example of a Non-Violent Drug Offender? illegal drugs on table between woman's hands in handcuffs

What is an Example of a Non-Violent Drug Offender?

Non-violent drug offenders represent a significant portion of individuals in the criminal justice system, so you may be wondering what is an example of a non-violent drug offender. What, exactly, does that term mean? In the most simple terms, a non-violent drug offender is someone

Do Police Need to Identify Themselves When Asked - officer holding handcuffs showing identification to man seated at desk with laptop

Do Police Need to Identify Themselves When Asked?

Law enforcement officers have certain fundamental obligations to maintain when interacting with the public they serve, but — legally — do police need to identify themselves when asked during an encounter? People should be able to confirm the identity of a law enforcement officer in