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Author: michele

Do Defense Lawyers Help with Violent Crimes

Do Defense Lawyers Help with Violent Crimes?

Some defense lawyers help with violent crimes charges, but some don’t, so it’s always a good thing to ask right up front at the beginning of a consultation with an attorney you’re seeking help from. You don’t want to waste your time with someone who

What Questions Should I Ask a Criminal Lawyer

What Questions Should I Ask a Criminal Lawyer?

All attorneys are not the same, and there are questions you should ask a criminal lawyer before you hire them to make sure they’re a good fit for you and your situation. Facing criminal charges is stressful. You need to feel comfortable with the criminal

Can you Admit a Crime to a Lawyer

Can you Admit a Crime to a Lawyer?

This question of can you admit a crime to a lawyer is a common one. And the simple answer is yes. However, it may or may not be in your best interests to do so. The attorney-client privilege rule ensures confidentiality and prohibits your lawyer

What can I Expect when I Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer

What can I Expect when I Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

When you hire a criminal defense lawyer, you can expect to receive the benefit of their experience and expertise with criminal legal proceedings to help you get through the charges you’re facing. Being accused and charged with a crime is perhaps the most difficult time